Thursday, February 28, 2013

Putting things into perspective

Well... The last few days have been crazy. As you all can see from posts from Cass and Ryan, it has not been an easy transition into this trip.  One of the thoughts that has been running through my head is putting everything into perspective. Coming across people that are in my life as the trip date closed in, I kept hearing the excitement in their voices for what this trip will be for us.  Also some of what I experience is this idea that it is all roses. Here's the thing. We all have things in our lives that are important to us. Also the nature of things is that we have to find balance and at times sacrifice things in order to follow our greater paths. I know it might sound odd, but we all have to work hard to make this trip happen. We have to leave people, work, and some of our responsibility behind. Its a sacrifice in its own way. I have seen the struggle that each of us has had to go thru in order to get ready for this trip. And its stressful! Duh!!! I think our natural state is to find comfort or a niche and stick with it... have the ebb and flow of cycling thru what we know is to come and be prepared for it. I personally think this is why a lot of people do not do trips like this. We are a slave to the life that we build around ourselves. BUT!... its all an illusion. The things that are important to us in life will be there. As Ryan said earlier... stuff will go on without us there. what we do have control over is making the choice to do something different. To understand that there will be stress of changing the cycle, the pattern will stop. The reward however, is what makes it all worth it. It is what feeds us and helps us grow and change as a person. If we stay in the same cycle, what is the point of waking up? "why not?!" That was the mentality that we had in Asia. Embrace it all. Expose yourself to the world, to new things. Build yourself into a more well rounded human. And most important, follow your heart and your passions. That is the driving force behind this trip. We cannot help ourselves but go thru all the stress of leaving, because its important to our drive to live. And the funny thing is at the end of it all, it will come full circle. Because when we return... it will again put things into perspective. Its a never ending process. Seems like a pretty good reason to wake up tomorrow.

Chat with you all soon after we get to Athens in about 20hrs. 

OMG!!! Ready or Not?!

"Wrestling Shits" is right!  I'm freaking out here! after 3 days of complete HELL, the starting sentence was written yesterday, I finally feel like I am ready (well almost).  It's 1:30 in the morning and, no surprise, I am having trouble going to sleep.  I  am so excited, nervous, anxious, overwhelmed, inspired, exhausted, etc.  I've been finishing packing for the last few hours and I absolutely feel like I am forgetting something important, but the lists are checked off ;). I checked in for my flights online and everything seems to be in line.  Honestly, I can't believe that in about 12 hours I will be on my way to Greece!!!  It is all still very surreal.  Thankfully I have a traveling buddy for the torturously long voyage.  I have so much I want to say, but my brain feels like absolute mush right now so I will attempt to organize my thoughts tomorrow.  Can't wait to see what comes from theis ADVENTURE!   Peace out boobs.

Uh oh.....Breaking into song now.

All my bags are packed I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh baby, I hate to go

Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh baby, I hate to go

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Wrestling Shits

I always tell a story about when i was in high school wrestling.  Right before a big match our team had this catch phrase or term we called the wrestling shits.  It's basically when you have so much anxiety you feel like your going to shit your pants.  So.... in present time, I tease my close friends about having the wrestling shits whenever its their turn to climb an intimidating or hard route.  Anyway, back to the subject.  I wouldn't necessarily call what I'm feeling "panic," but more along the line of having the wrestling shits.  Ya, that's what that is, definitely!!!  I don't think it would be this bad, if i wasn't so busy.  Its amazing how big of a procrastinator I really am.  I really try to think of myself as somewhat organized, but when it comes to this big of a deadline, there is no way!  I'm just a procrastinator!  Anyway, Thursday at 1700 hours is the big deadline.  I had better have my shit packed and the next month of my life shoved 70 liters deep into a duffel bag, because there is no turning back now... I feel like this is the least I've seen the people i'm going with ever.   It feels as if i lost my friends a month ago.  Jess has a girlfriend, Amber is doing, i don't know, and Cassie is of course working.  I literally have spent about 4 hours with these guys in the month of February.  Wait for it, Wait for it, Wait, Wait......  :(        Hahahhaha!!!  It's been pretty sad.  Well bitches you have to spend a whole month with these shitty pants, JAJAJAJAJAJAJa!!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

11 days...and counting!

Hello out there.  I'm Cassie Mackert, one of the so called "new comers".  Although I have been a part of our little climbing crew for a very long time, only recently have I been able to truly embrace the adventure and put in the time and effort to "crush".  I am the self proclaimed "work-aholic" of the bunch.  I am fortunate enough to be able to take a month long sabbatical to go play on rocks for a whole month :).  
I can't believe that in less than 2 weeks, I will be on a plane to Greece.  I will be on my way to what will probably be the most exciting experience of my far.  Greece has always been one of the locations on my "bucket list", but it's more than that.  This is not the tourist visit that I once imagined.  This will be the life adventure that I never knew I always wanted. 
When I first started rock climbing, years ago, I never imagined that it would change my life forever.  It's shifted my perspective on life in general.  It brings me peace, frustration, competition, clarity, and accomplishment.  I see more beauty in the little things.  I value those moments that know few people get to experience, like watching the sunset from the top of a desert tower, a place where few people have ever even set foot on.  The friends that I have made are more than friends, they are the yin to my yang.  They complete me!!! (silly reference, I know).  They make me a better person.  I can't count how many times Ryan has forced me out of my comfort zone, and I have never regretted it.  I am sure I don't thank him enough.
The past year has been a roller coaster to say the least.  Life changing decisions, realizations, commitments, and much much more have taken place, not just for me, but for each of us.  I can't wait to see what this newest adventure will bring and so happy that I get to share it with the three coolest people I know (my bestest friends ;))

Oh God its Febuary 17th

With eleven day left, life is starting to get crazy  It seems like when you have made big plans, life gets crazier and crazier as the deadline approaches.  Periodically, i will say to myself, "there is no way i can even think about leaving for a month".  These are the kinds of plans you can't pass up.  These are the moments in your life when you just have to let go.  Deep inside you just have realize that work, school, traffic,and even the weather will go on with or without you. These are the moments in your life that others wish they had.  These are the kinds of moments that change your life for ever.  I don't know who said it, but  "traveling is the only expense that will make you richer."  I would like to think that this kind of pressure doesn't effect me, but until I step foot on the plane, life is going to be crazy!!!!  crazy crazy crazy crazy i'm going crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy i'm going crazy crazy crazy crazy  crazy crazy crazy crazy i'm going crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy i'm going crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy i'm going crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy i'm going crazy crazy crazy crazy  crazy crazy crazy crazy i'm going crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy i'm going crazy crazy crazy crazy

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Blog my memory again?

Well first off id like to start by saying thanks to ryan for continuing this blog thing for our big trips. Not only do I like the tradition of doing this writing thing, but the fact that Southeast Asia was not a one time thing.  This is my lifestyle. I live, work, and strive for things like this trip we are about to embark on in one short month from now. We had been talking about this trip for months and months now, but it has only been a recent development for me, that it is a reality. Work had been slow and money (which I usually do not stress about) had become an issue that put the thoughts into my head that I would not be a part of this amazing trip. However, things in my life have a way of working out. And thru the love and support of those around me, and a humble mind towards figuring the details out later, I am on the trip list yet again. I guess I really do believe that you get back from life what you put into it. There are moments in all of our lives where you face some fears and you have a choice. For me, there is no other option than to just go for it. I guess I've always been the person that never liked the limits that are put on people, or more specifically, put on me. If I want something in my life, I will go for it. I will fight and go against the odds to have what I feel is something important to me. This is a trait I am grateful to have, and one that is a factor in making this trip possible.

There are many differences in this trip for me then there was the last time we left the country.  When I went to Asia I had just left my job, a job I loved, but one I was done with. The people that were important in my life were the ones that we on the trip with me. I had packed up all my belongings, not even knowing if I would return to Utah.  I was 100% invested into being present in this trip. And sure enough it was fulfilling. It was the trip of a lifetime, and I could not have asked for a better experience... Now its onto Greece, and things have changed for me.  I work for the same amazing company, but now my life around it has changed. I actually have a house... with a bed I might add! I come home every night, and do not disappear into the woods for a week on end. I have really laid down roots here in Utah. It is my home and I love it.  I have become more involved with my community of climbers here in town. They are the best a climber like me could ask for. Its the small things, like tonight meeting up for some drinks and chatting about the trip and just bullshitting about different stuff in our lives. Knowing what is going on in our community and trying to give back where I can.  Since we have been back, a big thing has been route development and giving something back to the climbing world that I will swear forever, saved my life and continues to do so.  Also I have found in the past for me over the 8+ years I have been climbing, that my climbing partners have been just that... climbing partners.  However, one thing I have really begun to hold so valuable in my life is that my climbing partners are not just that. They are my closest friends. The people that understand me, and the ones who I can count on to support me not just as a climbing partner or a belayer, but as a person. It is so strengthening to have this more well rounded relationship with the people that I share my passion with.  It brings so much more to the climbing, to the memories made, and the strength in the roots I have allowed to grow in this time.  And while we are on the subject of how things are different, how I have allowed my heart to be more open, and to embrace the things in my life with more conviction. I also feel blessed to have another aspect to my life that is so valuable. Opening myself to having new things in my life and opening myself to new possibilities has allowed the love of a woman into my life. I could not talk about how much things have changed without sharing what for me is a significant shift in my life. Being able to have the support and love of Jesi Girl is a gift that I know I have to fight for and lucky to have.  Its not for everyone to have someone like me just running around all over playing on rocks and even flying to the other side of the world to play on new ones. I guess what I am really trying to say in this part is that this trip is way different that Asia. I have things back home in Utah that ground me in a positive way. Something to look forward to when I return. To have a community to come back to, a house to come home to. And a relationship to embrace fully upon my return.  It is a very different trip in that sense. I have the support to go do what I need to fulfill my desire to explore. And the new feeling of missing things and people while I am gone. I thought originally that I did not want to have both sides of it. But with fresh eyes I see the potential. I realize how fortunate I am to have ALL these things in my life. In some ways I do not even think I deserve them. I know that my stubbornness to have my mind set and make it happen can allow me to embrace all these aspects in my life. 

I am so excited to have this opportunity to climb in such an amazing place, and the fact that I get to do it with my best friends... well what more could I ask for?! I guess I am just one lucky S.O.B. So I guess as this trip goes forward I want to share my thoughts and experiences. Perhaps it will awaken something in the reader, or inspire a change or reinforcement in aspects amongst others lives. 

Ryan, Cass, and Amber... I can not wait to see what happens on this trip. And excited to see the energy that comes back home with each of us and how it spreads to our lives back in Utah.
